Director of Public Works/
                   Town Engineer:
Jesse English
Governed By:
Stephen E. Santos
Daniel F. Soares
Vice Chairman
Alexander Simao
Keith Ouellette
Matias Goncalves
Phone Number:
(413) 583-5625
Email Address:
198 Sportsmen's Road
Ludlow, MA 01056
Office Hours:
8:30am - 4:30pm (M-F)
Transfer Station Hours:
8:00am - 2:50pm (W-Sa)
Meeting Times:
6:00pm Every Tuesday
Minutes & Agendas
Office Staff:
James Goodreau
Assistant Town Engineer
Ken Batista
Operations Supervisor
Ann Converse
Business Administrator
Paul Fiahlo
Senior Clerk
Rhonda Burelle
Office Assistant
Solid Waste & Recycling

Department of Public Works
Trash Payments Can Be Made
in the Collectors Office or Online
Cemetery Rules
Complete Cemetery Rules & Regulations
Overview of Rules for Flowers

Seasonal Flower Pots Allowed:
For Mother's Day, Removed by July 1st
Christmas Flower Pots Allowed:
December 1st, Removed by April 1st

Flower Pots in the Flat Marker Section
On Stone Markers Only, Not On The Grass

Permanent Plantings are Strictly Prohibited

Trash & Recycling Information
Permit Applications
Stormwater Management Information
Sanity Sewer Overflow (SSO) Notifications

The Town of Ludlow Wastewater Division works diligently to ensure that the Town’s sewage is conveyed through the sewer system to the wastewater treatment plant in Springfield.  Spills or overflows of sewage into a water body are rare.  If for any reason this occurs, the Town has implemented a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) alert system in accordance with MassDEP regulations 314 CMR 16.00 to notify you where and when the sewage overflow occurred.  This is so all citizens can be aware of the situation and take any necessary precautions.

When a discharge or overflow occurs, Ludlow sends out a public advisory notification.  On business days, this website will be updated within 12 hours of the notification.  During weekends or holidays, this website will be updated on the next business day.  

You can also see a list of discharge and overflow events on the MassDEP website (link below).  This list is updated within 24 hours of when the public advisory notification is sent.


 The fastest way to get information is to sign up to receive public advisory notifications here:



Town of Ludlow, Massachusetts
488 Chapin Street
Ludlow, MA 01056
(413) 583-5600

This site was developed for official public business - If you have questions or suggestions, please email: Selectmen@Ludlow.ma.us

This Page was last modified on 09/27/2022
